How you need to change !!!
Undoubtedly, year 2020 was a very testing year for all of us. Now as we step into the new year, people often ask, if we are ready for 2021. As leaders, one thing we have surely learned from the last year is that the Leadership Strategy in 2021 has to be different than what we experienced till now.
We are frequently reminded that we are in a fast-forward mode. However, these days fast is getting faster, and the forward is getting shorter. Till few years ago we made long-range plan of 5 years, and short-range plan of 1 year, now with all the constant changes and uncertainties, even 1 year plan seems to be too long. Amidst all this, the only way we can be effective as a leader is by being relevant and bringing necessary shifts to our leadership styles. A shift where we are willing to ask more questions instead of giving answers, where we are willing to be a better listener, where we are willing to be a better observer, and being open to the change.
My mentor John Maxwell teaches that there are few things we can do to bring this shift in our Leadership styles:
- Continually Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn – this process is essential. We have to embrace change everyday.
- Value Yesterday but Live in Today – because people may honor you for what you did yesterday, but they respect you for what you are doing now.
- See the Big Picture as the Picture gets Bigger – I like to think of this as layered learning. Each time we learn a new lesson and connect it with what we know, our picture keeps getting bigger. However, we cannot take our eyes off the big picture, rather we should use it to our advantage to make the picture clearer.
- Live in Today but Think about Tomorrow – Leaders have a natural bias toward action. They have to be proactive today for the sale of tomorrow. However the longevity of their leadership is determined by how they think and see the future.
- Realize Today’s Best will NOT meet Tomorrow’s Challenges – The best way to realize the challenges we want tomorrow is to make the right choices today. The best way to meet the challenges for tomorrow is to do our best in the challenges of today